Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Maycomb County at its Worst

Hello, my name is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. I live in Maycomb County, and wish to tell you, my blog followers, a little bit about myself and how I got where I am today. I am an average white man, of average intelligence. A few years ago, I was to be married to a very nice white woman. After our wedding rehersal, she took her own life. No one really knows why she did it, but I believe she did not approve of my friend who was a coloured woman. This really saddened me as I reassured her many times before that we were only friends. All the other folks in town make up excuses and said I was a cheat, but they can think what they want. I am not too concerned. I currently live down near the county line with my coloured wife and our children. I know some people do not care for the choices I have made in my life, but I am happy with how things turned out and could not be more proud. Even though the Great Depression has really taken a beating on the town, my family and I are doing just fine. I own the whole one side of the river bank in Maycomb and come from a real old, wealthy family. The Depression has really damaged some folks in this town. They owe tons of money to other folks and the bank, and cannot afford the necessities for their wives and children. Personally, I think I am a great father to my children and I treat them with respect without stressing myself out along the way. Some people in this town look at my family like we're crazy, as if there is something wrong with us. So what if my wife is coloured, my children are half-black and half-white, or if we sit with the Negroes during church or at any other public place? It's our lifestyle and no one's opinion is going to change our beliefs. All the rumours begin with the people's boredom of Maycomb County, but one thing happening in the County is not a rumour. In a few days the town's most famous lawyer, Atticus Finch, will be representing a black man named Tom Robinson in a rape case involving Mayella Ewell. My family and I will be attending the trial to show our support for Tom. So farewell my fellow bloggers and I will get back to you soon with my next encounter in Maycomb County.

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